Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Just Because!

My father is an amazing man. Growing up (and to this day) he would show my mother little acts of appreciation like holding the door open for her, dancing with her in the kitchen, and sending her gifts...just because.  Days like Valentine's, Christmas, and Anniversaries are great opportunities to remind us to show those close to us that we care. How about the other days of the year?  How about showing our loved ones we appreciate them just because?

My father's great example is why I show my wife I love her...just because.  Reflecting on this got me thinking about my school district and how I can apply this to the amazing staff at FTSD.  So I created "Just Because" coupons.

Every staff member will be able to redeem this coupon between now and June and I will teach the class, cover recess, mop the floor, serve lunch, anything and everything except drive the bus (I looked into it they won't let me).  So despite being in the middle of budget season, strategic planning, evaluations and whatever else Supts do I will be showing the FTSD staff that I truly appreciate them by giving them the gift of myself. Why? Just because! #MustangPride #BeTheirChampion