Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thank You Somerville

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the gardeners of our soul”.

I begin this letter by sincerely and simply saying, THANK YOU. Thank you for these past two years in which you warmly embraced me and made me feel part of this proud community, which I have come to affectionately know as “The Ville”.  Thank you for allowing me to serve your wonderful children, it has been a privilege.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from such amazing people. Dr. Timothy Purnell is an inspiring and supportive leader who cares deeply for this community.  The Ville is fortunate to have him.  Susan C. Haynes is one of the most incredible Principals that I have ever met.  I have grown tremendously by serving alongside her.  She knows every student in Van Derveer by name, reads every report card, and will sacrifice anything for her staff and students.  The fact that all five of the Assistant Principals during her tenure are now Principals speaks volumes about her leadership. The entire Van Derveer staff members are some of the hardest-working, selfless educators I have ever met. Your children are in GREAT hands.

That being said, it is with mixed emotions that I will resign my position as Assistant Principal (effective June 30, 2013).  I have accepted a School Principal position in the Manville School District. Thank you for allowing me to serve the Van Derveer Community.  I will cherish all the memories I have made during my time here.

In honor of our wonderful poetry-loving Principal, I leave you with a poem adapted from A Teacher’s Goodbye.

It’s hard to say good-bye
Our time has come to an end.
I’ve made cherished memories
And many more new friends.
I’ve watched your children learn and grow
And change from day to day.
I hope that all the things we’ve done
Have helped in some small way.
So it’s with happy memories
That I take when I leave through the doors.
With great hope and expectations
For what the future holds in store.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Super's Bowl II

Who is ready for some football?  This year's Super's Bowl will benefit ALD research.  Join team VDV as it fights ALD while defending the Super's Bowl trophy!  See you at Somerville High School on May 31st at 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Classroom Management (Storify Archive)

Tweetin' Tuesday - Classroom Management

Discussing Classroom Management with Kristin Tepedino
  1. Jason Solomon, Director of 21st Century of Van Derveer School!! #VDVchat
  2. #VDVchat Q1: What are some examples of effective whole class behavior management systems that you use in your classroom?
  3. #vdvchat Q1: I use $ to pay for various responsibilities like jobs and completing hw that students can use to buy things at my mart!
  4. #vdvchat A1: Giving a difficult student choices (one u prefer, other less desirable but same outcome) will enable them to feel empowered
  5. #vdvchat A1: We use a stoplight type system that goes above green. It promotes positive behavior and not just negative behavior.
  6. #vdvchat q1: I also have students work in their small groups to compete for tallies. Winner of tallies get extra $ on pay day!
  7. #vdvchat A1: @MsKuboski @KristinTepedino great idea. I did a similar system when I taught grade 1. My students loved the class store part.
  8. #VDVchat A1: I always had a good result from token based rewards systems. Earning points towards an extrinsic goal...moving to intrinsic.
  9. #VDVCHAT Q2: how does teacher preparation effect classroom management?
  10. #vdvchat q2 down time in the classroom is an invitation for unwanted conversation and disruption.. Preparation is key!!
  11. #vdvchat A2: Prep is essential for a smooth running class. Sets the tone. Students follow lead.
  12. @KristinTepedino #vdvchat Oh, preparation is everything in Kindergarten. It equals success.
  13. #vdvchat A2: teacher prep must include planning for consistency. No system can be successful without being CONSISTENT!
  14. #vdvchat Q2: Preparation will allow teachers to predict and prevent antecedent events that are likely to give rise to unexpected behavior
  15. #VDVChat A2 I think prep is key. While it's important to be flexible and change with the situation, coming in with good prep is essential.
  16. VDVCHAT Q3: What is the role of data collection in managing individual student behaviors?
  17. #vdvchat A3: Data will assist in identifying specific behavior problems and taking an individualized approach to addressing it.
  18. #VDVchat Q3 ABC Antecedent Behavior Consequence. Using FBA principals I have found can be very helpful in managing inappropriate behavior.
  19. #vdvchat A3: Academic Data + Behavioral Data = Engaged Student
  20. #vdvchat A3: Also helps you to adjust the expectation level so the student moves more in line with expected behaviors
  21. @KristinTepedino #vdvchat q3 completely agree! Data is essential to determine WHY a behavior is occurring
  22. #vdvchat A4: It helps most for those students that have difficulty with transitions. Let's them know how long a task will last & next task
  23. #VDVCHat: Thought for the day- how did you address a management issue in your classroom today? Share with your team! Thanks for participing!