Monday, December 19, 2016

Post-ECET2 Institute

Back in the fall, Frelinghuysen Township School District was honored to host the Pre-ECET2 Institute. Educators from NJ/PA came together to learn from LaVonna Roth, Derek McCoy, and Steven Weber

I am proud to announce that on Friday, January 13th (from 1:15pm-4:15pm) Frelinghuysen will host the Post-ECET2 Conference. Presenters from NJ/PA will share their expertise with attendees and Tom Murray, Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools, will be our closing keynote. To register click here. For more information click here. 

A special thank you to our sponsors Drexel Online and Barnes and Noble (Bridgewater).

For more information on our keynote:

Tom Murray serves as the Director of Innovation for Future Ready Schools, a project of the Alliance for Excellent Education, located in Washington, D.C.

Tom has testified in front of the United States Congress, and works alongside that body and the United States Senate, The White House, the United States Department of Education, state departments of education, and local school districts to support student-centered, personalized learning. He is a published author, former teacher, school principal, and district administrator. He lives with his wife and two children in Pennsylvania.