Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thank You Somerville

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the gardeners of our soul”.

I begin this letter by sincerely and simply saying, THANK YOU. Thank you for these past two years in which you warmly embraced me and made me feel part of this proud community, which I have come to affectionately know as “The Ville”.  Thank you for allowing me to serve your wonderful children, it has been a privilege.

I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from such amazing people. Dr. Timothy Purnell is an inspiring and supportive leader who cares deeply for this community.  The Ville is fortunate to have him.  Susan C. Haynes is one of the most incredible Principals that I have ever met.  I have grown tremendously by serving alongside her.  She knows every student in Van Derveer by name, reads every report card, and will sacrifice anything for her staff and students.  The fact that all five of the Assistant Principals during her tenure are now Principals speaks volumes about her leadership. The entire Van Derveer staff members are some of the hardest-working, selfless educators I have ever met. Your children are in GREAT hands.

That being said, it is with mixed emotions that I will resign my position as Assistant Principal (effective June 30, 2013).  I have accepted a School Principal position in the Manville School District. Thank you for allowing me to serve the Van Derveer Community.  I will cherish all the memories I have made during my time here.

In honor of our wonderful poetry-loving Principal, I leave you with a poem adapted from A Teacher’s Goodbye.

It’s hard to say good-bye
Our time has come to an end.
I’ve made cherished memories
And many more new friends.
I’ve watched your children learn and grow
And change from day to day.
I hope that all the things we’ve done
Have helped in some small way.
So it’s with happy memories
That I take when I leave through the doors.
With great hope and expectations
For what the future holds in store.

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