Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Classroom Management (Storify Archive)

Tweetin' Tuesday - Classroom Management

Discussing Classroom Management with Kristin Tepedino
  1. Jason Solomon, Director of 21st Century Education...fan of Van Derveer School!! #VDVchat
  2. #VDVchat Q1: What are some examples of effective whole class behavior management systems that you use in your classroom?
  3. #vdvchat Q1: I use $ to pay for various responsibilities like jobs and completing hw that students can use to buy things at my mart!
  4. #vdvchat A1: Giving a difficult student choices (one u prefer, other less desirable but same outcome) will enable them to feel empowered
  5. #vdvchat A1: We use a stoplight type system that goes above green. It promotes positive behavior and not just negative behavior.
  6. #vdvchat q1: I also have students work in their small groups to compete for tallies. Winner of tallies get extra $ on pay day!
  7. #vdvchat A1: @MsKuboski @KristinTepedino great idea. I did a similar system when I taught grade 1. My students loved the class store part.
  8. #VDVchat A1: I always had a good result from token based rewards systems. Earning points towards an extrinsic goal...moving to intrinsic.
  9. #VDVCHAT Q2: how does teacher preparation effect classroom management?
  10. #vdvchat q2 down time in the classroom is an invitation for unwanted conversation and disruption.. Preparation is key!!
  11. #vdvchat A2: Prep is essential for a smooth running class. Sets the tone. Students follow lead.
  12. @KristinTepedino #vdvchat Oh, preparation is everything in Kindergarten. It equals success.
  13. #vdvchat A2: teacher prep must include planning for consistency. No system can be successful without being CONSISTENT!
  14. #vdvchat Q2: Preparation will allow teachers to predict and prevent antecedent events that are likely to give rise to unexpected behavior
  15. #VDVChat A2 I think prep is key. While it's important to be flexible and change with the situation, coming in with good prep is essential.
  16. VDVCHAT Q3: What is the role of data collection in managing individual student behaviors?
  17. #vdvchat A3: Data will assist in identifying specific behavior problems and taking an individualized approach to addressing it.
  18. #VDVchat Q3 ABC Antecedent Behavior Consequence. Using FBA principals I have found can be very helpful in managing inappropriate behavior.
  19. #vdvchat A3: Academic Data + Behavioral Data = Engaged Student
  20. #vdvchat A3: Also helps you to adjust the expectation level so the student moves more in line with expected behaviors
  21. @KristinTepedino #vdvchat q3 completely agree! Data is essential to determine WHY a behavior is occurring
  22. #vdvchat A4: It helps most for those students that have difficulty with transitions. Let's them know how long a task will last & next task
  23. #VDVCHat: Thought for the day- how did you address a management issue in your classroom today? Share with your team! Thanks for participing!

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