Saturday, October 15, 2011

Building Stronger Families

As a husband and father of six beautiful children under the age of six, I know how challenging it is to keep the family unit thriving.  I would like to share a few rituals that have helped our family grow closer and stronger
Family Dinner!  We make it a point to eat dinner together every night.  Everyone has to share something about their day while the rest of us listen. Eating dinner together every night might not be possible for every family, but every family should have dinner together at least once a week (without the TV or any other electronic device).
Movie Night! Designate one day a week to watch a movie or family TV show together.  I know there is much in the film industry today that we do not want our children exposed to.  A great website that provides detailed movie reviews is Common Sense Media . These reviews have been a great guide to our movie selection.  If you are looking for a good clean adventure TV show our family suggests The Adventures of Merlin (Colin Morgan as Merlin).
Game Night! Playing games together is a great opportunity to deepen  family relationships.  They can help develop teamwork and good sportsmanship while sharpening the intellect.  No matter what my wife or kids tells you, I didn’t cheat to win last week.  I won Chutes and Ladders fair and square!
Camp-Out? I stole this idea from my sister and brother-in-law.  I am not big on “roughing it” so when I heard that my sister’s family was going “camping” in their living room I quickly announced to my family “Tonight we go camping!”.  One hour later I was back from the store with a cheap tent and the stuff to make smores.  We had a blast telling stories and eating those smores in the comfort of our living room!
Pray! If you are a family of faith, there is an old adage that says, “The family that prays together stays together”.
Audio Books! Our family has sincerely enjoyed the dramatized version of the Chronicles of Narnia by Focus on the Family Radio Theatre.  The Lord of the Rings dramatized audio book by the BBC is also great. Snuggling up together on the couch while listening to these stories has been awesome.
Feel free to share some of the things your family does together!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Diaz,
    I love the Camp Out idea... I think I'll try that one this weekend! Love the blog!!!
    All the best,
    Dr. Purnell
